Friday, March 06, 2009

Somebody Get This Nutjob a Copy of the Constitution

Because she thinks the purpose of Congressional representation is to bring home the bacon.

You’ve heard all about earmarks. They’re Really Bad Things that congresscritters do.

Actually, they’re the reason they get elected and re-elected. Earmarks, or pork, or whatever you want to call it is nothing more than what our elected representatives have done for decades. In fact, it’s pretty much the reason we send ‘em to Washington: to bring back stuff for their districts and states. Go to any Rotary Club meeting, or Chamber of Commerce where the legislators are in attendance and you’ll hear all about what s/he has brought home. That’s how they grade ‘em — by how much federal money they directed to the home boys.

I don't know what goes on at the Rotary Club meetings, but I'm pretty sure that the Constitution doesn't say anything at all about your right to swipe some other taxpayer's money for your pet project. But the real point of this rant post was to complain about those blue dog Democrats who aren't genuflecting before Teh One at every opportunity.

UPDATE: Here is another example of whackjobbery from the same source:
Wanna know what I think? I think that 1) the so-called experts have no fucking idea what they’re talking about and 2) the investors are a buncha kids who are playing high-stakes games of chicken with money.

That’s a pretty ugly thing to do, really. It messes with people’s livelihoods. You and I, and the managers of most of our retirement funds, generally take pretty good care of our money. But when greedy sons of bitches are playing chicken with the money, it screws it up for everybody. You can’t be conservative enough in the stock market to stay ahead of the assholes who are out to make millions at the expense of everybody else.

Ah, the all important "they." The "Other." The greedy people who mess up the system for "the rest of us." Nevermind that most people have 401(k)s and/or mutual funds, making us all some of "they," because we, too, have a stake in the system. That would be too confusing to admit.

The problem? Well, it's capitalism, of course!
That’s the problem with unfettered capitalism. I have no problem with capitalism. Kinda like it, really. I have what I need, and a fair amount of what I want, even a few things I only think I want. Contrary to the depiction of liberals put out by the Supreme Leader of the GOP lately, I am not in favor of socialism, nor am I an unhappy liberal. I’m quite content.

Well, not really content.
The Ayatollah Limbaugh, for example, has god knows how many cars, because “I like nice cars,” along with five houses. He’s not married, he has no children. Just a cat. And a $35 million contract.

Far be it for me to say that he’s a greedy son of a bitch, but come on. Who needs all that?

Ok, so she's not a socialist. She's a communist.

But seriously. Why does Rush Limbaugh's pay depend upon what he needs? Why isn't it based on his abilities (which, actually, it is)? Does the "newswriter" rail against Hollywood actors or basketball players who make millions per year, as well?

Here's a tip for "Newswriter": the reason Rush Limbaugh makes millions while you're stuck answering the phones for 12 bucks an hour is that somebody thinks his talent is worth it. In other words, he brings in advertising rates (makes money!) for those stations that carry his program. And "Newswriter"? Not so much.

It's always amusing when someone wants to argue that Rush--or any other person making over $250k per year--doesn't "need" the money he earns, because these same people would be aghast at someone telling them to take a 50% pay cut because they don't "need" what they earn. The fact that Rush's talent is more valuable just shows that anyone with intelligence and ingenuity can succeed. But those who don't have it just sit back and whine.