Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Abortion or Adoption

Having an abortion was easier than giving the baby up for adoption.
Duh. Doing the right thing is frequently more difficult.

I've known several women who have given babies up for adoption. It's extremely painful, and it's a pain that doesn't go away in a few weeks or months. That's because, unlike after an abortion, you can't tell yourself that "it" wasn't a baby, that "it" was just a clump of cells. Once you've spent nine months with someone, you stay kinda attached to him or her.

The only good point made in the linked post is that there needs to be more comprehensive help for birth mothers. I agree with that. The birth mothers I know dealt with their adoptions in a variety of ways, mostly constructive (it doesn't sound like the woman linked has done that very well). Some are religious, others are not. But regardless, we need to help women more and longer after adoptions than what is currently done. The fact is, adoption is a much harder choice to make than having a "20-minute procedure." We should treat it with more compassion and understanding than we currently do.