Friday, March 28, 2008

Sure, They Issue a Correction, But the Headline Stays the Same

Blogs are known for their political bias, but journalistic sloppiness, while common is unacceptable. Take this example from Think Progress, which accused John McCain of plagiarizing a 1996 speech by Rear Admiral Timothy Ziemer.

As Amanda Carpenter at points out, Think Progress isn't any more unbiased than Media Matters. Both are leftwing shills. Think Progress is "an arm of the leftwing Center for American Progress," and, as such, doesn't particularly care if it gets facts straight.

That's why, when Think Progress was informed by the John McCain campaign that it was, in fact, Ziemer who plagiarized a a 1995 speech by John McCain, the story still remained up with the same headline at Think Progress.

Journalistic integrity? Not by a long shot.