Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Why Does Anyone Watch Bill Maher Anymore?

I may disagree with Rush Limbaugh from time to time, but only leftists seem to think wishing death on your political enemies is good comedy.

Here's the transcript:

BILL MAHER, HOST: Why is it, I was asking Amy this, why is it that the Republican establishment, I guess it is, have so much disdain, not just for McCain, but for the other guy who's still in it...Huckabee? They don't like either one of them.

P.J. O'ROURKE, WRITER: Well, I think a couple of things are going on. It's the it's the twilight of the radio loud-mouth, you know? I knew it from the moment the fat guy…

MAHER: …You mean Rush Limbaugh and Sean..?

O'ROURKE: …from the moment the fat guy refused to share his drugs (audience laughter). I was, you know…he never called, he never wrote. I'm ready to party, you know, come on! No, I think it's kind of over for those people. So…

MAHER: Right, you mean the OxyContin that he was on?

O'ROURKE: Yeah, exactly. I mean, that stuff's good!

MAHER: Why couldn't, uh, why couldn't have he croaked from it instead of Heath Ledger? (small audience groans)

O'ROURKE: Yeah, yeah.

I've enjoyed P.J. O'Rourke's writing, but why he would sink to the Bill Maher level is beyond me. After all, Bill Maher has a habit of wishing death on his political enemies. Worse, he's not even funny about it. Isn't "he's a comedian" one of the excuses liberals always give for why it's acceptable when Bill Maher or Jon Stewart or Stephen Colbert says something outrageous?

The fact is, wishig for the death of people you disagree with is beyond stupid or childish. It's disgusting. Why does anyone even watch this guy anymore?