Sunday, February 24, 2008

Jeromy Brown Hearts Obama...And Don't You Dare Confuse Him with Any Facts!

Reading Iowa Liberal has always felt a little like revisiting middle school for me. I mean, where else does this or this or this pass as serious and thoughtful commentary?

All those posts were humorous enough, but Jeromy Brown's defense of Barak Obama has to take the cake for serious man crushing on a political candidate. Maybe reporters got it wrong and it wasn't a woman fainting over Obama like he was the second coming of Elvis. Here's a little of the post:

This really shouldn’t be necessary to write, but there is a slowly building concentration of defensive spin targeting Barack Obama coming from Clinton supporters, Beltway MSM hacktaculars, and people willing to vote for McCain (because watching one president decline into old age and senility wasn’t enough). So it is with profound regret that I have to say this.

Yes, you bleeding nitwits, I do understand that Barack Obama is not Jesus Christ.

Maybe taking into account that I don’t even think Jesus was Christ would have helped those who know me better avoid such accusations, but as one surveys the news scene it can be readily witnessed that the anti-Obama crowd thinks they’ve found a line of attack against him that will finally stick. Yes, Clinton fans, you’ve aligned with the likes of Charles Krauthammer and Jake “Ass” Tapper around this cynical joke: upon witnessing the American people daring to be halfway inspired and moved by a presidential candidate, even after they’ve suffered through two terms of President Clusterfuck, the only logical conclusion is that 22 states and the majority of Democratic voters now belong to a cult, and they think Obama is the messiah.

Perhaps Jeromy doesn't spend any time at all listening to what Obama supporters actually say about their candidate, but I have. As I've written before, Obama supporters--at least those that call shows or will discuss politics with you one-on-one come up with the most emotional, vapid, and vacuous reasons for voting for them. Most of them can't name you one Obama policy, and those that can rarely can tell you why that policy has greater merit than other policies offered by either Hillary Clinton or John McCain.

The bottom line is that Obama's appeal is based almost entirely on his personal charm and charisma (gee, we've seen this one before). Supporters can't even name a single legislative accomplishment of Obama's.

Even Jeromy Brown doesn't bother trying to explain Obama's qualifications for leading the free world: at 47, the junior senator from Illinois has none. Instead, Jeromy argues that being likable is a gosh darn good enough reason to want him in charge of foreign policy, where he promises to talk to loose cannons like Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
On one side, you have people who have decided Obama would bring a fresh approach to the White House and speak in non-divisive language that would bring independents and weaken rightwingers enough to get a practical progressive agenda carried out. They aren’t signing loyalty oaths, a Bush II practice that went virtually ignored. They find him, much like those who oppose Obama politically, to be charming and likable. If one can reasonably determine Dick Cheney to be the bastard lovechild of Darth Vader and Dr. Strangelove, deciding Obama’s a good fellow isn’t much of a stretch. Indeed, trying to find anybody in Obama’s past dealings that hates him is a fool’s quest.

We're not electing Prom King here, Jeromy. I'd like to vote for someone who has some experience and a history of accomplishments, some of which even Jeromy Brown should favor (here and here are a couple of other examples).

Instead, Jeromy just continues in the typical Obama supporter manner: talk about how he makes them feel good and how Rush Limbaugh is evil. Good argument!

As a conservative, I think Obama would be a disaster as president. If you bother looking at his record (such as it is), his positions are fringy left and/or completely unworkable (how does he plan to "Take China "to the mat" about currency manipulation"?). He essentially supports abortion till birth (that's what "Trust women to make own decisions on partial-birth abortion" means), thinks the government should do research on embryos, and thinks taxpayers should be paying for women exercising their right to choose. On gay rights, he's for civil unions and against marriage, wants to include sexual orientation in protected classes and ominously has said, "don't use religion to insulate from criticism," which could indicate an intention to force religious organizations to hire gay employees, regardless of the religion's teachings on the subject.

On foreign policy, as I pointed out here, Obama is willing to meet with Fidel Castro, Kim Jung Il & Hugo Chavez and doesn't consider China to be our enemy. He's against free trade. He wants to tax companies as though such taxes won't affect employees or customers.

Obama's for gun control. He wants to register women for the draft. He wants to "grow the size of the military" (no details, of course), yet says he wants to end the war in Iraq. He's for illegal immigration. He wants them to have driver's licenses, ensuring that they will stay. He wants illegal immigrants to get Medicaid and welfare.

These are just some of Obama's stated policies and beliefs. If I can find them, surely cheerleaders like Jeromy Brown can come up with something better than the "Mr. Hope and Change" meme of the Obamamaniacs.