Sunday, July 19, 2009

Hollow Principles Screw Us Over

That's the message of Dr. Melissa Clouthier regarding those who proudly handed us Barack Obama.

Look, plenty of people didn't like voting for John McCain. I supported McCain because I thought, of all the candidates available, he was most likely to be elected. I was never under the illusion that I would be happy with every decision McCain would make as POTUS. I wasn't happy with half the decisions he made as a candidate. But the presidency, as Joe Biden warned us, is no place for on-the-job training. Yet millions of people gave us just that.

Which leads back to the those smug bastards who voted for third party candidates knowing it would help Barack Obama and, somehow, absolve them of any blame for his incompetency. Everyone occasionally votes for a third party candidate with no chance to win as a protest against the major party contestants. But it seems to me that sticking it to us now so you can brag that it's "not your fault" and you "stuck to your principles" is short-sighted and childish.

Clouthier makes several good points that such ridiculous back-patting does nothing for the country but leave things in a bigger mess. Does it really make those people happier about skyrocketing deficits, union-backing, economic disaster, power-grabbing and socializing medicine? Evidently so, judging from their holier-than-thou writings.

Look, if it makes you feel better that you voted for a third party candidate while the government tells you which treatments you can have, then go for it. But the rest of us are ready to tell you to STFU.