Sunday, April 12, 2009

Tea Party Temper Tantrums

Liberals are having a cow over the Tax Day Tea Parties, and are trying to discredit them as political operations of Fox News.

Specifically, Fox News has in dozens of instances provided attendance and organizing information for future protests, such as protest dates, locations, and website URLs. Fox News websites have also posted information and publicity material for protests. Fox News hosts have repeatedly encouraged viewers to join them at several protests that they are attending and covering. Tea-party organizers have used the planned attendance of the Fox News hosts to promote their protests. Fox News has also aired numerous interviews with protest organizers. Moreover, Fox News contributors are listed as "Tea Party Sponsor[s]" on

Wow! Who knew that news broadcasts would contain actual information about upcoming events. I mean, newspapers never publish such information. Neither do television stations. Or radio. And you'd never see leftwing blogs promoting events, right?

Secondly, Fox News carries many political commentary shows. These aren't news shows in the way the CBS Evening News is supposed to be a news program. They are shows around personalities who do interviews, give their opinions and offer endorsements of candidates and philosophies. To argue that "Fox News hots promote their protests" is ludicrous. But then, so is Media Matters.

As Dan Riehl notes, the reason the Left is working so hard to tar the tea parties as Fox News events is because they are deeply concerned that so many people aren't buying into the Obama plan to tax us into prosperity. Shame on real people for thinking their voices should be heard! Maybe it's time for liberals to create a new hate law against tax protests, too.

And via Michelle Malkin, the Tax and Spend Rap for the Tax Day Tea Parties:

More at Le-gal In-sur-rec-tion.

Robert S. McCain points out the hypocrisy of leftwingers complaining of corporate sponsorship of protests. We have a word for liberal hypocrisy here: Democrisy.

UPDATE: Here's video of the Liberal Tea Party that didn't work so well: