Monday, November 05, 2007

Myths about American Healthcare

Is American health care really that much worse than Canada's? Lots of liberals would have you think so, but Betsy links to this column which obliterates those myths. Says Betsy:

First, we often hear that Canadians have a higher life expectancy than Americans and that should be a reason to adopt a Canadian style health care plan. But such a claim ignores what is causing those higher deaths by Americans. More Americans die by accident and homicide. That is terrible, but it is not a result of better Canadian health care. Many of problems that Americans have medically come from our trend towards obesity. Again, not a result of state health care. And we have more teenage mothers which correlates with higher infant mortality. Again, a problem, but not one caused by the differences in health care.

In other words, many of the supposed problems with American health care is related to our lifestyle, not our health care system.