Friday, October 27, 2006

That Democrat Agenda They Aren't Talking About

Remember how the talk radio guys keep saying that Democrats aren't advertising what they will do when they're in power? Well, there's a reason for that. The Democrats' legislative agenda probably wouldn't win them a whole lot of votes. Better to allow the scandal-of-the-week do their campaigning for them.

According to The Patriot Post, here's a list of bills put forward by Democrats since 2005:

1. Charles Rangel (D-NY): the “Crack-Cocaine Equitable Sentencing Act” (HR 2456) to eliminate mandatory sentencing for crack-cocaine convictions.

2. California Barbara Lee (D-CA): the “Justice for the Unprotected against Sexually Transmitted Infections among the Confined and Exposed (JUSTICE) Act” (HR 6083) to permit the distribution of prophylactics in prisons.

3. New York Congressman, Jerrold Nadler (D-NY): the “Antibullying Campaign Act” (HR 3787) to institute a federal-grant program against bullying in schools.
4. Recently retired Cynthia “Slugger” McKinney (D-GA): the “Tupac Shakur Records Release Act of 2006” (HR 4968) to create a special collection of the gangsta rapper’s government records at the National Archives.

5. Robert Wexler (D-FL): the “Social Security Forever Act” (HR 2472) to create a new tax on workers, employers and the self-employed to keep Social Security afloat.

6. John Dingell (D-MI): the “National Health Insurance Act” (HR 15) and the “Medicare for All Act” (HR 4683), each raising taxes to promote socialized health care.

7. Barney Frank (D-Mass.): “To provide for coverage under the Medicare and Medicaid Programs of incontinence undergarments” (HR 1052) for taxpayer-funded adult diapers.

Here's a few Democrat proposals for "changing the course" in Iraq:

1. Dennis Kucinich (D-OH): the “Department of Peace and Nonviolence Act” (HR 3760) to establish a U.S. Department of Peace and Nonviolence. I guess this as opposed to a Department of War or a Department of Defense.

2. Jim McGovern (D-MA): “End the War in Iraq Act” (HR 4232), which sought to defund the war in Iraq immediately and force a complete troop withdrawal.

3. Charles Rangel (D-NY): “Universal National Service Act” (HR 4752) obligating U.S. citizens between the ages of 18 and 42 to perform two years’ service in the Armed Forces or civilian elements of national defense.

There were other bills proposed, which weren't pandering to moonbats. Of course not. From The Patriot Post:

Also in the mix during the past two years were bills to legalize medical marijuana (HR 2087), grant voting rights to ex-cons (HR 663), create a right to unrestricted late-term abortion (HR 5151), and provide gas to the poor at taxpayer expense (HR 3712). Proposed amendments to the Constitution include one guaranteeing equal public education (HJ Res 29) and equal health care (HJ Res 30), as well as constitutional rights to housing (HJ Res 40) and full employment (HJ Res 35).

Is it any wonder Democrats aren't proclaiming loudly what they plan to do if they control Congress?