Remember when liberals argued that dissent was patriotism? John Edwards said,
“Patriotism is about refusing to support something you know is wrong, and having the courage to speak out with strength and passion and backbone for something you know is right.”
As Jonah Goldberg pointed out,
Everyone from American Communist spies and saboteurs dedicated to the overthrow of the U.S. government during the Cold War to the protesters carrying signs saying “Bomb Texas, Not Iraq” at your typical ANSWER rally is patriotic, according to Edwards’s definition
So now, Media Matters and Think Progress are on a witchhunt of its own to point out every Republican who states that he wants Obama to fail.
Notice, these quotes are never put into context or discuss the sentiment that Obama's proposals are terrible for this country. This is rather different from liberals who discussed impeachment or assassination of George W. Bush because they disliked his policies.

No, to the moonbats who think Think Progress and Media Matters aren't propaganda, wanting bad policy to fail is the same as calling for bombing your own country.
And, in addition to the hypocrisy regarding his intolerance for drug users - until he became one himself - there was also the non-stop anti-Clinton rhetoric he belched forth on the Armed Forces Radio Network. Talk about unpatriotic (by the Dittoheads malleable definition, of course)!
Get it? Not agreeing with Bill Clinton was unpatriotic.

But advocating the assassination of the president is the height of patriotism. Can you imagine what the Left would say if there were "Kill Obama" T-shirts? We already have the lunatic left praying for an assassination attempt on the POTUS (and yes, they are praying for it, because that's the only reason they would hammer that hysteria over and over for the last year). It's disgusting when "stop him" is code language for "kill him." When political disagreement--real political disagreement, not the ad hominem attacks, the lies about the war, the hyperbolic rhetoric about "shredding the Constitution" and so on, but actual disagreement with the execution of policy--is vaunted as treasonous, then Americans should be concerned.