Monday, August 13, 2007

Karl Rove to Leave White House

I guess Karl Rove has had enough of being compared to Satan and has decided to call it quits.

And who can blame him? I mean, what more is there to accomplish once you have your own whack-a-mole contest? Why stay after you're pelted by idiots?

The Left is jubilant. They can't decide whether to laugh or laugh some more.

Sounds like the moonbats are bitter that they didn't get to see Rove frog-marched for Fitzmas (remember that one?).

Ah, well. The Left will now have to find a new Karl Rove to hate. After all, Karl Rove was the new Roger Ailes to hate, don't ya know. Time for the bottom feeders to move on to the next sensation.

UPDATE: Dana has more moonbat reactions at his fine site.