Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Republicans Show Some Guts

Via Memeorandum comes this notice of Republican action from Congressman Eric Cantor:

House Republicans are shutting down the floor, because the Democrats are threatening to change a rule and deny Republicans any opportunity to offer a motion to recommit on the "paygo" provisions of their legislation. That’s a lot of wonky talk; bottom line - the Democrats are preventing their Members from having to vote on the tax increases that they are trying to impose on the American People.

It is simply stunning that House Democrats want to change the germanenss rule on motions to recommit; this would be the first change to the germaneness rule since 1822.

It makes sense that Democrats want to avoid voting on tax increases at all costs. They don't want that showing up in a campaign ad.

National Review Online says this:
The Republicans have been using a House procedure in an attempt to get Democrats on the record supporting the tax increases that, under their own pay-as-you-go rules, will be required to pay for their new spending. It's really slowed Nancy's roll, and so today she tried to take away the Republicans' ability to do it. This would have been the first change to the rule in 185 years.

Remember when Democrats complained that they were getting shut out of the process as the minority party? I guess we do know the word for this: hypocrisy.